We offer fully featured hosting that usually costs around $20 absolutely free. All accounts have
3GB space
30GB bandwidth
2 MySQL Databases
PHP scripting
10MB maximum file size
NO forced ads
We insert a statistics code only into your pages which is not altering the layout of your site.
You are free to run adverts of your own. You can either use your own domain name, if you have one, or get a free subdomain. Many other features as standard. The only condition we put on members sites is thatno illegal or pornographic material is permitted. Our servers are hosted at several large providers and all have 100 mbit, unmetered uplinks to provide the best hosting quality money can buy! Our servers are monitored 24/7; both the server hardware and your site. We immediately come to the rescue if any problems occur. If you have any comments, tips or complaints about our service, you can always mail us and we will help you! Customer satisfaction is our number one.